Pastor John L. Byrd is a native of Detroit, MI. He graduated from William Tyndale College with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Education. Additionally, he earned a Masters of Education from Denver Seminary in Denver CO. Pastor Byrd served as senior pastor of Berean Bible Church of Denver, CO for 12 years.
In 1994, he moved to Houston, TX and was appointed Dean of Students at the College of Biblical Studies. During his tenure, student enrollment grew from two hundred to one thousand students.
Currently, Pastor Byrd is senior pastor of Jubilee Baptist Church in Bolingbrook, IL. He has led and developed many religious educational ministries in the church. His annual engagements include revivals, marriage enrichment sessions, seminars for men, discipleship training, and Christian education conferences and other church development ministries. In addition, Pastor Byrd ministers to a broader community of believers and non-believers alike. His vision is to develop a ministry devoted to bringing about long-term change within the community.
Pastor John L. Byrd is a well-respected husband, father, preacher, and teacher. He and his wife (Joyce) have been married for 49 years, and they have two sons.